
Your Databricks™

Data Security Observability
Acante + Databricks™
Discover, govern and protect access your sensitive data.
Accelerate your Data + AI initiatives while achieving security and compliance mandates.
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Accelerate your databricks adoption journey
Accelerate Databricks adoption and deliver secure, compliant and frictionless access to data with the power of Acante’s seamless integration with Unity Catalog.
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Acante: lakehouse security and compliance guardrails

Easily manage granular data access privileges

Powerful workflows to request, approve and orchestrate attribute-based, time-bound and masking access control to data access across Unity Catalog, AWS IAM, Okta and Azure AD. Get a unified global view of all privileges to data from users, notebooks and models, and minimize over-provisioned data privileges.

Accelerate adoption of advanced lakehouse capabilities

Notebooks, models, cleanrooms, delta shares, etc. are the new APIs to data in the lakehouse. Monitor their privileges, data sharing and access behavior to ensure safe and compliant use of data that minimizes risk of accidental data leakage.
Acante: drive zero standing privileges
Acante: risky notebooks sharing

Ensure alignment with Databricks AI Security Framework

Ensure proper governance at the data layer of your AI applications as you use your proprietary data in emerging RAG & Fine-tuned model architectures. Acante’s library of out-of-the-box posture checks align tightly with the Databricks AI Security Framework to ensure safe use of enterprise data.

Deliver a secure & compliant data lakehouse

Ensure continuous data security observability with data use guardrails, models to detect data leakage and tracking of sensitive data flows across the lakehouse. Automate discovery & classification of sensitive data. Get actionable out-of-the-box reports for GDPR, HiTrust, ISO27001 and GLBA.
Acante: AI Model Security Governance
no data ever leaves your environment
No proxies,
no agents.
rocket ship
Easy deploy in 5 mins
Highly scalable
Immediately access security & compliance insights

“Our data & AI teams extensively use Databricks, Kafka, S3, Redshift and other platforms. Creating access governance and guardrails around our users, models and shares is critical to our security model. Acante is the only solution we have found that aligns with that comprehensive data security vision while increasing productivity of the data teams.”

–Manish Amde, VP of Data & AI, Earnin

Request a demo

We are working with several customers from a variety of regulated verticals to solve their most urgent data security problems. Drop us a note below and we'll get in touch to setup a demo.
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Request a Demo or Get Started Now for Free
Start using the Data Access Observer. It takes just 5 mins to get going by running a single notebook.
Eliminate the Data Access Fog
Discover the PII, PCI or PHI data in any Catalog
Surface dormant data access privileges
Track sensitive data flows, find risky sharing of notebooks
… and much more
We have worked with dozens of customers across verticals to simplify their data access governance. Confidently democratize access to your data, now!
Learn more about the deployment here.
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AI Risk Starts with Data Risk: DBTA Data Summit Keynote Summary

What the first wave of AI security efforts are missing, and how the Data Layer is where new and critical security and privacy concerns need to be addressed.

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Learn why 85% of AI projects have NOT made it to production and how to empower data teams to overcome barriers to democratization of data access.

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ESG Report explores security and access governance challenges across the modern data stack

How organizations can regain security visibility and control of their data environments while ensuring the right identities have secure, compliant and fast access to the right data at the right time.

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Nam quis nulla. Integer malesuada. In in enim a arcu imperdiet malesuada. Sed vel lectus. Donec odio urna, tempus molestie, porttitor ut, iaculis quis
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Nam quis nulla. Integer malesuada. In in enim a arcu imperdiet malesuada. Sed vel lectus. Donec odio urna, tempus molestie, porttitor ut, iaculis quis
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Nam quis nulla. Integer malesuada. In in enim a arcu imperdiet malesuada. Sed vel lectus. Donec odio urna, tempus molestie, porttitor ut, iaculis quis
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